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Elm Tree Primary School

'Growing Enquiring Minds'

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Miss Laws' reading group are working on Fantastic Mr Fox and today the children created wanted posters as if they are the farmers trying to catch Mr Fox! Take a look at our fantastic writing below!

Wanted posters

Geography Share


Thank you so much for joining us on Wednesday for our share. 

The children had a fantastic time and the 3D maps looked excellent!


Take a look at some of our brilliant 3D maps below.

Final DT lesson

To conclude our DT learning on structures and 'how strong is a piece of paper?', the children used what they had discovered through their explorations earlier in the week, using index cards and paper columns, to design and build a tower. 

The children had some rules to follow, they could use folded or flat index cards, triangular, rectangular or cylindrical pillars and were only allowed to use tape to secure the pillars!

The children's towers looked excellent and were so creative, some of them were strong enough to hold 100g weights. 


Amazing work Year 2!



DT final lesson

DT Structures


Today was our first DT afternoon for our structures unit. Our focus question is 'How strong is a piece of paper?'

First, the children made three different pillars, predicted which would be the strongest and how many of our workbooks they would hold, they then tested each pillar. 

Our second task was to create a bridge out of one sheet of paper to see how we could create the strongest bridge. The children kept the piece of paper flat and folded it in different ways to see which design would hold the most amount of cubes before it collapsed. 

DT Structures




In science the children have been working on materials and their properties. 


Today they got into groups and were given a material, such as lolly sticks, hay, fabric, paper straws, plastic straws or sticks. They were asked to build a house. 


The children then had to think about why their material was successful or unsuccessful and what properties a material needs to have to make it suitable for building a strong and sturdy house. 


Printing lesson 1


In our first Art lesson of the week we thought about positive and negative space. The children had a go at making a printing block using a spoon and a potato. They then had to create their own repeating pattern by printing with their own printing blocks. 


The children did an excellent job, take a look at some of their amazing prints below!

Printing lesson 1



We had a brilliant computing lesson today! To begin with we recapped the parts of the computer that we looked at before the Christmas break and thought about the job of these parts.


Then we thought about technology that we see at school and outside of school. In one colour we wrote down the different technology that we use regularly at school and in a second colour we added technology that we see and use outside of school.


Next we discussed the basics of inputs and outputs and challenged the children to come up with their own technological invention. They had to think about the inputs, would their invention have buttons, a lever, a speaker or a remote control. They also had to think about the outputs, what did their invention do when they pressed the button, or pulled the lever. 


We had some amazing creations!

A room that had buttons for each sickness and if you pressed the button for the sickness you had that it would cure you.

A scooter that could fly and play music so you could travel around with your friends.

A robot that made you pancakes each morning. 

An invention that can take you to new places at the pull of a lever.

Great Fire of London

We have been learning about the Great Fire of London and today the children coloured in the map to show where the fire had spread to on certain days. 

Great Fire of London


This week in Art our focus is on painting. 

We have been looking at work by Kandinsky and his use of line, colour and shape within his work. 


We have been thinking about primary colours, how we mix primary colours to make secondary colours and showing control with our paintbrushes by painting carefully inside the lines and painting concentric shapes. 





In maths we have been working on partitioning two-digit numbers. 


We used place value counters, bead strings, dienes, money, number fans and arrow cards to represent different two-digit numbers.



We have been working hard all week on our safe cutting skills. We have looked at making our own healthy snacks as an alternative to processed foods. We have cut various different vegetables, cracked and whisked eggs and assembled our snacks. 


After making each snack we tried them and thought about what we might do differently if we were to make them again.


Today in Geography we were learning about the human and physical features in Kenya. We also had a look at the Kenyan flag and looked at what each of the colours represent. We then had a go at designing a new Kenyan flag using the same colours.

Take a look at our fantastic designs below!

Art lesson three

For our final art lesson we thought about how we could show movement by using different lines and patterns.

We looked at the work of Beth Kromme and we used a range of different writing tools to produce our own wave inspired art work.

Art lesson three

Art lesson one

For art this half term we are looking at drawing and mark making. Our focus is on using a range of marks to represent mood and movement. 


Today we used different textured paper and experimented with different writing tools to create a variety of different lines and patterns. 


We also used the same textured paper to create a background ready for our next lesson!


Take a look at some of our fabulous work below. 

Art lesson one photographs
