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Elm Tree Primary School

'Growing Enquiring Minds'

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Class of 2023 - 24

We intend on updating this every now and then - whenever we take some pictures.

Dear Year 6, 


I feel that every true performer awaits the review of their show after it's been watched and I have no doubt in my mind that you are all true performers, so here it is. 


Year 6 Production Review 


The Year 6 production was nothing short of outstanding. The cast delivered a performance that not only captivated the audience from start to finish but also filled the room with immense joy. Their enthusiasm and energy were palpable, making every moment of the show enjoyable.


The comedy elements were executed with impeccable timing and confidence, clearly owned by the talented cast. Their comedic prowess kept the audience laughing throughout the performance. The singing was equally impressive, with soloists shining brightly and exuding confidence. The infectious nature of their songs had everyone tapping along.


Witnessing this production felt like a privilege. The experience was a delightful journey, and it's a shame that this was the final opportunity to see it. The cast has undoubtedly left a lasting legacy, setting a high bar for future performances.


In leaving Elm Tree School, the Year 6 students have truly gone out with a bang. They should be incredibly proud of themselves for this remarkable achievement.


Thank you all for being so amazing. I will be watching and waiting to see you all on stage or screen in the future. 


Forever a fan, 

Miss Begley 

Feb '23: Water Safety

Feb '23: Charity Disco

Jan '23: Art week - Printmaking and Textiles

Jan '23: Reading and English

Dec '23: Consolidating

Nov '23: Sherlock Holmes

Nov '23: Drama Workshop

Nov '23: Art Week

Nov '23: PSHE Share and Odd Socks

Sept '23: Can street food save us? (Design and Technology)

Sept '23: Wonder Drama and G.M.Linton Webinar

Sept '23: Art Week (Drawing)

Sept '23: Blood Components, Silent Debate and Pulse Experiment

Sept '23: Maths

Sept '23: Exploring Explanatory Texts

Sept '23: Pig-Heart Dissection (BLOOD WARNING)

Sept '23: PSHE - 'Building Bridges'

Sept '23: Reading - Vocabulary

Transition Day - Marshmallow & Spaghetti Challenge






Class of 2022-2023

6DS SATs are Over Picture

Snowy Day

Lowestoft Journal News Report - Jordan Catchpole Visit

Art Week - Painting and Collage

PCSO Visit - Online Safety

Learning CPR

Still image for this video

First Aid - Monday Group

Head/Deputy Prefects Helping with the Bake Sale

Researching Charities

Interactive Reading Sessions

Singing Assembly (Vocal Warm-ups)

Singing & Signing Assembly

My Boy Jack - Rudyard Kipling

Still image for this video

Remembrance Day 2022

Bloodheart - Pulse Experiment


Orienteering Beginning

Still image for this video




Class of 2021-2022

Dunkirk - Becoming Experts

Computer Coding

Electricity - Human Circuits & Symbols

PSHE - 'Building Bridges': Teamwork, communication and collaboration

Children in Need 2021

Remembrance Day - In Flanders Fields

Still image for this video

Remembrance Day - Minute Silence

History - Witch Trial Drama

'Loop Card' Maths

Community Project - CPR

Blood Smoothies - Bloodheart Unit

Best of Me Pictures
