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Elm Tree Primary School

'Growing Enquiring Minds'

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York Day 1 2024

What a wild and wet day we have had!

Our Year 6 children have been a credit to themselves today. The coach journey was calm and quiet even when we got stuck in a little traffic. The rain did not cease but our spirits were definitely not dampened. 

Our visit to York Minster showed us how respectful and thoughtful our children are. They were interested in the incredible gothic architecture and enjoyed the visit to the crypt and the museum. An added, but much appreciated bonus, was that we were dry!

Next stop was lunch. Normally this is held in a beautiful park but wet sandwiches and soggy bottoms were not really want we wanted so we had a standing lunch in the market, undercover. It was perfect for what we needed!

After lunch, the group split in two, with one half experiencing the amazing Jorvik Viking Centre and the other visiting the fun shops on the Shambles.

The children enjoyed buying sweets, oohing at the mini dragons in eggs (not real!) and buying souvenirs in the 'Shop that Must Not Be Named'. 

The Jorvik experience was brilliant! The ride through the reconstructured city caused nose-holding - it smells like a fish market - and amazement at the animatronics.  The children listened to the 'Vikings' explaining about the discoveries made in the excavation of the site and watched as a penny was created using a coin stamp. 

By the end of the afternoon, the children were a little wet, a bit bedraggled and somewhat tired. Arrival at Stableside meant some time to relax and to unpack before our evening meal.

And finally, after tea and time in the communal room playing cards and chatting, the children are slowly nodding off. 
