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'Growing Enquiring Minds'

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York Day 2 2024

Eden Camp and Ghost Walk

We asked the children what they thought about their favourite part of the day and here is what they said:



I liked Eden Camp because I found it really interesting, I liked the tanks and the gun room and the submarine.



I enjoyed Eden Camp because of the Blitz Hut - even though it wasn’t real, it felt real.



I found Eden Camp interesting, especially the Blitz part because it felt so real when there were explosions and smoke.



I liked Eden Camp where we could see what the POWs did in their spare time such as crochet, sewing and painting.



I really liked the chapel at Eden Camp because we could reflect on all the soldiers. It was so good because we learnt lots of information about the soldiers in World War II.



I really liked the ghost walk because it was funny especially when it made me jump!



My favourite part about York is probably the gift shops because of the many types of things we can get. I really liked the Eden Camp shop as it sold historical things and modern day things.



My favourite place will probably be getting an ice-cream because it was fun hanging out with my friends – everyone was being hilarious. And also going into the Blitz Hut because it was amazing to see what actually happened back then.



I thought the Blitz experience was my favourite because I got to see the past and what happened during the Blitz. Sitting next to a WWII mannequin was creepy but fun!



I think the Blitz was my favourite part of the day because learning about it at school then made it feel like it was real at Eden Camp.



My favourite part was the ghost walk;  I liked that Mark’s stories had lots of detail and they were all so different and I got different emotions each time – mostly fear!
