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Elm Tree Primary School

'Growing Enquiring Minds'

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Year group blog

RSR went litter picking today on the school field! We followed in Rocket's footsteps from our focus story this week, Clean up!  We looked at the importance of taking care of  our environment and how rubbish can have a major impact on our beautiful beaches and parks endangering the sea creatures and wildlife. The children had a lovely time using the litter pickers!

Litter Picking

This week in Early Years we have been exploring Under The Sea - a non-fiction book. We looked at underwater sea creatures and created a display for Art week. The children created handprint Jellyfish, crabs, and fish using poster paints.

We also learned sign language for a Whale, jellyfish, Turtle,  and a shark. 



The children went to the meadow this afternoon and collected natural materials to make a giant pancake!

They searched the meadow for all of the ingredients needed. They worked together to mix and ‘cook’ the pancake and added some tasty toppings! They were amazing and lots of fun was had.

RSR have been busy learning about the country of China, looking at it's history and culture. In particular this week - The Great Wall of China.

The children have been busy constructing their very own wall!

They were amazed to learn that the distance of the wall is nearly half the distance from one side of the world to the other!

The Great Wall of China

Reception have been very busy rehearsing for their school Production of Higgledy Piggledy Nativity.

They have been super at learning their lines, moving about on stage and singing to all the songs. 

Will the animals help Mary and Joseph find somewhere to born the baby Jesus?...


Christmas Production - Higgledy Piggledy Nativity

This week the children have been learning about Diwali, The Festival of Light.  They sculpted Diva lamps, using clay, so that the Goddess of Wealth could find her way back to bring good fortune. 

The children stretched, flattened, squeezed and smoothed the clay to produce the lamp. 

Diva lamps - Diwali

The children spent a wonderful afternoon with their adults. They showed how to demonstrate good hygiene, healthy eating and how to help deal with emotions. They produced fruit and vegetable printing, hand print emotion monsters and cleaned some very dirty fruit and vegetables!

PSHE - Share Afternoon

The children have been busy creating their own Towns and Cities, just like the Town where Martha lives from our structured story book - Martha Maps It Out.

They included shops, parks, houses, schools, hotels and a police station.

Building Towns and Cities

Reception enjoyed a carousel of balancing activities during their gymnastics PE session.

PE - Balancing

This week the children were reading the book Pumpkin Soup. We enjoyed the story so much that we learned how to make some! The ingredients we would need and the method required.  We set up a class Soup kitchen for them to be creative with their chopping, mixing and 'cooking' just like the Cat, Duck and Squirrel from the story.  

Our Soup Kitchen

The children have been reading 'The Squirrels Who Squabbled' in their literacy lessons, learning all about how Cyril and Bruce both set their sights on the prize! The last pine cone. 

As a class we thought it would be nice to make Squirrel feeders so the friends didn't have to squabble again! 

The children painted them using Autumn colours, with help, they cut and attached the string and filled with seed. 

We had lots of fun hanging them in our school meadow.

Squirrel / Bird Feeders

Patterns in nature

We continued to look at repeating patterns on our Wild Welly Walk.

Repeating Patterns

In maths this week the children have been looking at repeating patterns. They designed fruit kebabs and then went onto make them using apple, banana and grapes.
