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Elm Tree Primary School

'Growing Enquiring Minds'

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Welcome to KS2! In year three, your child's teachers are Miss Garner and Miss Hutchinson. The year group is supported by Mr Fox, Miss Martin and Miss Hylands.


We are looking forward to a year filled with fun and hard work. Please check this page regularly for updates of our learning.


Year 3 will have PE on Wednesday afternoons so please remember that your child needs to come to school dressed in appropriate kit on this day. 


We encourage the children to read at home as much as possible, to allow them to share the reading skills they are continuously developing. Please can the children have their reading books in school daily so we can keep up to date with book changes and reading miles.

After the children have read 5 books on their level, their teacher will read with them and check their fluency and comprehension to make a decision as to whether they need to move up a level or if they need more books on the same level.

Happy reading! 


Times Tables

Every morning, we practise our times tables, in Year 3 we are starting by revisiting year 2 knowledge (2, 3, 5 and 10s) so that the children are able to confidently make links between known facts and new facts. The new times tables we will be learning during the year are 6, 7, 8 and 11. It would be beneficial to the children to practise these at home to build their confidence and speed. Each child has a login to times tables rock stars which is a great website to allow them to practise! Please don't hesitate to ask if you need your login resending

Other online Times Tables games

